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Summary of Events 1958-64

Here is a summary of the main events and changes during the light red and green period.  In many cases the exact month of an event is not known, and changes often occurred gradually over a period of time.  A question mark after an event indicates that it is speculative (but probable!).

For more information about a particular event, consult the relevant 'year' page in the web site.




1958 2 New manuals printed and stockpiled
1958 ? Two new wooden storage boxes
1958 7 First appearance of new outfits and colours in July sales leaflet
1958 7 New outfits and colours introduced
1958 7 Spare parts in the new colours were packed in yellow boxes with green labels
1958 8 Dealers' leaflet shows new colours
1958 8 New outfit 10D in 4-drawer cabinet, and Existing outfit 10 renamed 10P
1958 10 New E15R motor and T15 transformer
1958 11 Outfit 7 still shown in old colours in MM advertisement
1959 2 Last MM advertisement showing old colours
1959 ? New yellow tray packaging
1959 ? E20R discontinued
1959 ? Suppressors added to E15R (E15RS)
1959 7-11 Small parts box changed from green to black numbers
1959 8 1959 sales leaflet published
1959 10 New Mechanisms set
1959 11 Alberto Richini started producing 'Exacto' parts in Argentina to combat import restrictions.
He later signed an agreement with Meccano Ltd to produce Argentinian Meccano (Exacto).
1959 11-12 New Marshal power units
1960 1 Design work started on new M sets and parts? (possibly earlier)
1960 1-6 New 1962 parts produced and stockpiled?
1960 1-4 Wheel Flange changed to blue
1960 4 Price lists changed from portrait to landscape
1960 4 E020 (cricket ball) motor discontinued
1960 5 1960 sales leaflet published
1960 ? Outfit 10P discontinued
1960 ? Outfit 10D renamed to outfit 10
1960 7-11 '1962' M outfits finished and photographed?
1960 7-12 Conical Disc changed to blue
1960 7-12 Parts tin changed to green (after the Conical Disc changed to blue)
1960 11 First exploded-view leaflet published
1961 1-12 Frantic design work on new manuals throughout the year!
1961 2 Price list printed 1 year in advance for 1962 outfits and parts?
1961 2 New plastic Road Wheel released.  (Prematurely?)
1961 3 Last full batch of 'old-style' manuals printed
1961 5 1961 sales leaflet retouched to show plastic Road Wheel
1961 6 1962 outfit conversion set leaflet printed
1961 9 Development started on Emebo motor
1961 10 First of the new 1962 manuals printed? (print ref 101)
1961 11 Late reprint of 'old-style' Outfit 9 manual, only 600 copies
1961 12 Part 191 (4 1/2"x 2 1/2" Flexible Plate) first seen with central hole
1961 12 New Servicing Leaflets printed for the proposed 'Accredited Repair Service' network
1962 ? Meccano (France) design the Elec outfit and parts, upon which the 1963 Elektrikit will be based
1962 1-4 Design work continued on new manuals for the larger sets
1962 2 'Accredited Repair Service' launched for Meccano motors and Hornby trains
1962 2 New outfits and parts finally announced, but some manuals not yet ready
1962 2 'New Meccano' sales leaflet published
1962 2 00 outfit, and some Braced Girders discontinued
1962 2 Puzzling reprint of Canadian 1958-61 No.0 manual, 1000 copies
1962 2 1" Pulley set screws changed to grub screws
1962 ? Gears oufit in yellow tray packaging
1962 ? Gradual introduction of Flexible Plates with central holes
1962 4-6 Small brackets nickel plated
1962 ? Small Steering Wheel changed to blue
1962 3 7/8 manual finished
1962 4 Outfit 9 wallet printed
1962 6 Emebo appears in price lists
1962 8 Emebo finally advertised as available
1962 9 French Elec (Elektrikit) manual printed
1962 ? Magic motor packed in Emebo-style box
1962 ? Popular spares marketed on a rotating display
1962 11 2/3 manual changed to multi-lingual
1963 ? Rest of manuals converted to multi-lingual
1963 5 New Elektrikit, based on 1962 French outfit
1963 5 1963 sales leaflet published
1963 7 Elektrikit leaflet published
1964 1-5 Large Steering Wheel changed to blue
1964 ? Green parts tin modified to reduce sharp edges
1964 1 Last 'M' set manuals printed
1964 2 Meccano Trade Fair at the Grosvenor Hotel, Victoria, 8th-17th
1964 2 Meccano taken over by Tri-ang on 14th February (during the above Trade Fair!)
1964 3-7 New outfit packaging designed
1964 4 Factory list of new colours issued
1964 5 Last red & green sales leaflet, showing mysterious colour changes
1964 6 Last red & green advertisement in Meccano Magazine
1964 8 New themed outfits and colour scheme of silver/yellow/black
1965-66   Light red & green parts still available to special order
1965-66   Many  light red & green Meccano sets still being supplied by the factory, particularly the rarer
outfits like 8A, 9, 9A and 10; which were slow sellers
1966 ? Production of red & green Meccano stops








Meccano Magazines




Trade Items

Foreign Variations

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