Here are some sound files of me playing the Fair Organ:

These WAV files are compressed but you don't need a special player to play them on, as Windows Media Player will play them directly.  Just click on the required tune and wait for a few seconds for it to start playing.  If it doesn't work, make sure that your computer is switched on.

(The best titles are the ones in red)

Hoch Heidecksburg March
played on a 52 keyless Pell organ  Buy One
El Capitan March
played on a 52 keyless Pell organ  Buy One
Goodbye Dolly Gray
played on a 31 keyless Dean  Buy One
Entry Of The Gladiators March
played on a 52 keyless Pell organ  Buy One


Click here to buy Mechanical Music records and CDs

Click here to buy Organ Musical Boxes (please)

Warning:  This is not an Emailophone(TM) although it looks
like the gramophone makers have copied my idea.



My House

Emailophone #10

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